

Step 1: sobat semua bisa aktifin cheatnya dengan cara maen Live mode dulu ,kalu sudah pencet "Start" alias Pause gamenya ... setelah itu Pencet "LB+LT+RB+RT"(barengan pencetnya)...nah nanti muncul Pilihan, sobat mau main cheat atau main jujur....pilih yang tulisannya main pakai cheat .. !!

Step 2: Nahh...kalau sudah sobat Ke Buy mode Bukan yg Build ... terus pilih "Decor" setelah itu pilih "Miscellaneous Decor"...Terus beli barang yang namanya "Spot The Magic Llama"...!!!kalau sudah taruh dimana saja terserah...setelah itu main biasa, terus arahin karakter Ke Barang tadi....terus silakan pilih sendiri Cheat yang sobat mau...

Cheat for 50,000 or 1,000 money

Press start and then press lb,lt,rb,rt all together and then it will ask you if you want to save after that go to

build and buy section go on buy go to decor then miscellanous decor then the will be a free llama it is the first one there buy it it is free and there you go.

Go back on to live mode and then it will say 1000 money or 50,000 money it will also ask if you want a joke or other things like that

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